Saturday, October 23, 2010

HTC Mozart WP7 - More impressions

So 2 days of WP7 and what are my further impressions?

Well, whilst the interface is slick looks good, there is still the element of Windows issues in the OS.

Firstly it has crashed 9 times since being used. 4 times it has rebooted itself after the screen seized up for more than a few seconds. And ata least 5 times I was forced to turn it off because icons failed to open: For example even the settings icon just wobbled and then didn't open. I am presuming it is a memory usage issue and there doesn't seem to be a way to kill apps once opened.

The handset itself is identical to the HTC Desire to handle except I would go as far to say the Desire is more secure due the rubber feel backing.

I am still trying to work out the use of the HTC hub app which although looks fantastic but compared to the Desire version it seems very limited in actual use.

It's still early days with this phone and I realise at this stage that even though this is Windows Phone 7 it really is version 1.0 and is a good 1 if not 2 generations behind iOS & Android.

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